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Re: Installing WinSCP on AWS EC2

Ok, but can you post some reference? I need to understand how does it work technically. Is it like IP-based authentication?

Re: Installing WinSCP on AWS EC2

In AWS cloud, you can run Virtual machine and give it access to S3 bucket storage. For that, you need to create IAM role with S3 access policy and after attaching it to Virtual machine.

Re: Installing WinSCP on AWS EC2

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what does it mean "S3 access role attached to Windows EC2". Can you post some reference?

Installing WinSCP on AWS EC2


I was able to download and install program to EC2 instance through PowerShell.

I was able to set a connection between S3 bucket, uploaded files and etc.

I need to make a connection without using IAM credentials, is it possible?
S3 access role attached to Windows EC2.
I can run command to retrieve access and secret key through EC2 metadata, but WinSCP doesn't accept it.

Best, Nodir