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Re: WinSCP Synchronize removed everything in folder despite delete option being unchecked

I'm sorry, but there's not much we can help you with.

Also, I'm sure that if you uncheck the "Delete files" option, the synchronization won't delete anything. If you have a different experience and you can reproduce the problem, please post a session log file showing that.

WinSCP Synchronize removed everything in folder despite delete option being unchecked

Hi there. I was just trying to sync my public_html folder to a folder on my PC, so I could edit my website on an program I like. But, after I synced the folders, it seems like the public_html folder was synced with the empty folder on my PC, and now my whole website is gone and I don't know how to recover it. Please help, I'm not sure what to do, and I just lost a lot of work.