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Topic review


sasha181 wrote:

If i hide the tabs, how else can you switch between servers?

You can use the Session menu. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts.

Maybe it is possible to enable the "folders are always minimized on new connection" behavior in winscp.ini?

Thanks for your suggestion.
We will see, if more people ask for this.

If i hide the tabs, how else can you switch between servers?
Besides the tabs, there is one more feature that is very convenient in the old version. For example, you have is a large hierarchy of folders In the server connection manager. The folders always is collapsed state upon a new connection. This is convenient because you can quickly go to the desired folder. When several folders in expanded state on a new connection, you have to scroll through the list and look for the desired server or folder. If there are about 100 servers in total, this becomes difficult. Yes, there is a search in the new version by part of the name, but don't always remember the server name exactly. As a result, a new connection takes longer. Maybe it is possible to enable the "folders are always minimized on new connection" behavior in winscp.ini?
In advance, thank you very much for your help.

Support new key exchange algorithms in WinSCP 4.4.0

Please compile WinSCP 4.4.0 with support for new key exchange algorithms.
I tried to switch to WinSCP 5, x many times, but the tab interface turned out to be very inconvenient when working with a large number of servers. I have been using the 4.4.0 version so far. But now I cannot connect with Ubuntu 20.04 and other modern distributions for example.
I don't think I'm the only one. Already embedded on the forum a request to return the old type of server switch.