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Topic review


Ok, I will see, if more people ask for this.

Sorry for necroposting... But this just happened to me as well and caused enough trouble to make me register and post here.

Please either unfocus or even better, move the default focus to "Cancel". Confirmation dialogs of destructive operations should really not have "OK" focused by default, this is pretty basic UI 101. :)

Anyhow, thanks for the great software!

Re: Delete Confirmation Dialog

I'll consider that, but I do not give it high priority, though :-)

Delete Confirmation Dialog

It is a very little change that would make me very happy.

My Situation:
i navigat on remote host by tipping the start of a directory name and the hit enter to go into it.
it seems like: va<enter>ww<enter>loca<enter>htd<enter>...
now it happens 2 times to me that when i try to hit enter i also hit the delete button. winscp response so fast that it insteandly accepts the enter as confirmation of the delete dialog, and i can look while a whole directory moves finaly to /dev/null

the solution would be easy: just unfocus the OK in the confirmation dialog, or do (like other procs) disable it for about 1 to 2 seconds

PS. i recogniced also that the abort button of the delete process doesnt response on hammering on ESC :? i was to lazy to jump over to the mouse to abort the process xD