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Re: Download folders and files only where folder contains specific file

Do you want to download only the final.txt? Or all files in the folder that has the final.txt? Btw, you cannot create a folder with a name containing a slash on Windows.

Download folders and files only where folder contains specific file

Is there a way to check if a file exists in a folder, that I dont know the path to (it is dynamic).
Ie if there are these folders on the FTP

And in the 2020/08/27/11/05 folder there are a file named final.txt
I want to download the full path localy and create the folders if not exists.

The other folder, 2020/08/27/11/10 does not have a file called final.txt, so this folder I do not want to download.
But I want to delete the folder that do have the final.txt in it.