Re: WinSCP 5.17.6 transfers at less than half the speed than FileZilla 3.48.1
Diky za test.
Za malo.
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
Diky za test.
bez TLS:
WinSCP 90MB/s
FileZilla 115MB/S
Bez TLS (bez sifrovani)? Nebo bez TLS 1.3 (tj. s TLS 1.2)?
bez TLS:
WinSCP 90MB/s
FileZilla 115MB/S
Mám to vyzkoušet bez TLS 1.3?
Za pokus to urcite stoji.
How did you check the CPU performance during transfer?
Did you check a specific CPU core? Or just the overall CPU?
All cpus. Not single CPU bound.
Prave na to se ptam. Je jedno z jader vytizene nebo ne?
Mám to vyzkoušet bez TLS 1.3?
How did you check the CPU performance during transfer?
Did you check a specific CPU core? Or just the overall CPU?
All cpus. Not single CPU bound.
How did you check the CPU performance during transfer?
Did you check a specific CPU core? Or just the overall CPU?