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news 2023-09-19 news 2024-06-17 (current)
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====== WinSCP News ====== ====== WinSCP News ======
 +===== WinSCP 6.3.4 released ((2024-06-17)) =====
 +This release updates WinSCP to OpenSSL 3.2.2 and includes some small improvements and bug fixes.
 +===== WinSCP 6.3.3 released ((2024-04-16)) =====
 +This version fixes a critical vulnerability CVE-2024-31497 in the use of 521-bit ECDSA keys (ecdsa-sha2-nistp521). If you use 521-bit ECDSA keys to connect to SFTP servers, you should revoke them and generate a new key pair.
 +===== WinSCP 6.3.2 released ((2024-03-12)) =====
 +This version fixes several bugs and adds some small improvements.
 +===== WinSCP 6.3.1 released ((2024-02-21)) =====
 +This version fixes several regression bugs.
 +===== WinSCP 6.3 released ((2024-02-14)) =====
 +WinSCP 6.3 is a major application update. New features and enhancements include:
 +  * Single large file can be downloaded using multiple SFTP connections.
 +  * Support for OpenSSH certificates for host verification.
 +  * File hash can be used as criterion for synchronization.
 +  * Improved behavior when duplicating and moving remote files.
 +  * Support for HMAC-SHA-512.
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.
 +===== WinSCP 6.2.4 RC released ((2024-02-03)) =====
 +This version includes five additional complete translations and several fixes.
 +===== WinSCP 6.2.3 RC released ((2024-01-19)) =====
 +This version includes 16 complete translations and several fixes.
 +===== WinSCP 6.2.2 beta released ((2023-12-22)) =====
 +This release upgrades WinSCP to PuTTY 0.80, mainly to mitigate “Terrapin” vulnerability.
 +===== WinSCP 6.2.1 beta released ((2023-12-05)) =====
 +The most important changes/additions are:
 +  * File hash can be used as criterion for synchronization.
 +  * Improved behavior when duplicating remote files.
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.2.0.
 +===== WinSCP 6.2 beta released ((2023-10-05)) =====
 +WinSCP 6.2 is a major application update. New features and enhancements include:
 +  * Single large file can be downloaded using multiple SFTP connections.
 +  * Support for OpenSSH certificates for host verification.
 +  * SSH core upgraded to PuTTY 0.79. That includes support for HMAC-SHA-512.
 +  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 3.
===== WinSCP 6.1.2 released ((2023-09-19)) ===== ===== WinSCP 6.1.2 released ((2023-09-19)) =====

Last modified: by martin