
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2018-11-03 2018-11-03
typo (martin) removing routerhosting sponsoring (martin)
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This version adds some small improvements to Microsoft Store installations of WinSCP and fixes several bugs. This version adds some small improvements to Microsoft Store installations of WinSCP and fixes several bugs.
-//Current WinSCP release is being sponsored by [[https://www.routerhosting.com/|RouterHosting.com]]. We appreciate this support very much, it helps us fund development and distribution of the free WinSCP. RouterHosting provides cheap Windows and [[https://www.routerhosting.com/buy-cheap-kvm-linux-vps-ssd-server-hosting/|Linux VPS]] servers and their dedicated KVM VPS servers start from $4.95 per month.// 
===== WinSCP 5.13.3 released ((2018-06-18)) ===== ===== WinSCP 5.13.3 released ((2018-06-18)) =====

Last modified: by martin