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Documentation » Setting up WinSCP »


You can use WinSCP executable as a portable application with its settings stored in an INI file and no installation required. This configuration is best for using WinSCP from removable media. If possible, you should complete a full installation.


Running the WinSCP Installation Program

  1. If you have WinSCP running, close it. The installer will not run if it finds any instance of WinSCP running.
  2. Open the installation program by double clicking on its icon.
  3. Select the installation language. Your selection will also affect which language plugin will be selected by default for the installation. While you can change the language, the icons the installer creates will remain in the language selected for installation.

    Only complete translations are distributed in package form. Incomplete translations must be downloaded separately.
  4. A Welcome Screen is shown at the beginning of setup procedure. To continue, click Next.
  5. Review the License Agreement, and then click Next.
  6. You will be prompted to select a setup type, with following options:
  7. You will be prompted for a Destination. Normally the default provided will be acceptable. Change the Destination folder if you like, and then click Next to proceed.
  8. After selecting the destination folder, the Component Selection screen should appear. You should keep all components selected, however, if you do not intend to use some of the optional components, you may select another option here.

    You can select to install the following components:
  9. After selecting components, you will be prompted for a Start Menu Folder. You may change this from the default of “WinSCP”, leave it as is, or click the Don’t Create a Start Menu Folder check box. The start menu folder will include icons for all installed applications and links to important webpages about WinSCP. When you are satisfied with your selection click Next to proceed.
  10. After selecting a Start Menu Folder, you will be prompted for Additional Installation Tasks. You can also perform most of these tasks later, after installation (follow each task for details).

    You can select from following tasks:
  11. After the Additional Installation Tasks screen, you will be prompted for Initial User Settings. Again, these can be easily changed later.

  12. After you select the interface, the Ready to Install screen opens. On this screen, you can review the installation options you’ve selected. If you want to make changes, click Back until you return to the appropriate screen. If you do not want to make changes, click Install to start the installation.
  13. A brief installation process will take place. If you selected certain options such as drag&drop integration, you may have to restart your computer. If you choose not to restart, some WinSCP functions may not be available until you do so.


Automating Installation

WinSCP uses Inno Setup as installer. It lets you use optional command-line parameters to automate the installation.

You can use following parameters to automate the installation:

  • /SILENT - Runs the installer without any prompts (with the exception of error messages, etc.). Default selections are used for destination folder, components, etc.
  • /VERYSILENT - As /SILENT, but without showing the progress window.
  • /NORESTART - Instructs installer not to reboot even if it’s necessary.
  • /LOG=“filename” - Causes Setup to create a log file.
  • /LOADINF=“filename” - Instructs Setup to load the settings from the specified file after having checked the command line. This file can be prepared using the /SAVEINF parameter.
  • /SAVEINF=“filename” - Instructs Setup to save installation settings to the specified file.

For full list of parameters, refer to Inno Setup help.

Custom Distribution of WinSCP

Learn how to create a custom distribution of WinSCP.

Administration Tasks

Learn how a system administrator can restrict or enforce certain functionality of the application.

Upgrading/Downgrading WinSCP

To upgrade WinSCP, download the newer version, and then install it. The installation will preserve your configuration, and–if necessary–upgrade it.

Any translation from your previous WinSCP version will not work with the new version. You must install the new translation.

In general, you may downgrade in the same way, but your configurations may be lost. To make sure that you will be able downgrade, you should backup your configuration before the upgrade.

Removing WinSCP

To remove WinSCP, use Microsoft Windows’ Add/Remove Programs function (Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs). During the removal, WinSCP will ask if you want to remove WinSCP configuration and other data stored on your computer.

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