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2018-02-01 2018-03-04
link update (martin) no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted)
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During the removal, WinSCP will ask if you want to remove [[ui_cleanup|WinSCP configuration and other data stored on your computer]]. During the removal, WinSCP will ask if you want to remove [[ui_cleanup|WinSCP configuration and other data stored on your computer]].
-===== [[automating]] Automating Installation and Uninstallation ===== 
-WinSCP uses [[&url(innosetup)|Inno Setup]] as installer. It lets you use optional command-line parameters to automate the installation. 
-You can use following parameters to automate the installation: 
-  * ''/LANG=language'' - Runs the installer using the specified language. For the ''language'', use the //Code// from [[this>../translations.php|translations page]]. 
-  * ''/SILENT'' - Runs the installer without any prompts (with the exception of error messages, etc.). Default selections are used for destination folder, components, etc. 
-  * ''/VERYSILENT'' - As ''/SILENT'', but without showing the progress window. 
-  * ''/NORESTART'' - Instructs installer not to reboot even if it's necessary. 
-  * ''/LOG=%%"filename"%%'' - Causes Setup to create a log file. 
-  * ''/LOADINF=%%"filename"%%'' - Instructs Setup to load the settings from the specified file after having checked the command line. This file can be prepared using the ''/SAVEINF'' parameter. 
-  * ''/SAVEINF=%%"filename"%%'' - Instructs Setup to save installation settings to the specified file.  
-  * ''/NOCLOSEAPPLICATIONS'' - Prevents Setup from closing applications using files that need to be updated by Setup. 
-See full list of [[http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=setupcmdline|Inno Setup setup command line parameters]]. 
-WinSCP uninstaller (''unins000.exe'' in WinSCP installation directory) has the same parameters as above (except for ''/LOADINF'' and ''/SAVEINF'').  
-See full list of [[http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=uninstcmdline|Inno Setup uninstaller command line parameters]]. When running uninstaller silently, [[ui_cleanup|configuration and other data stored on your computer]] are not removed. 
===== Custom Distribution of WinSCP ===== ===== Custom Distribution of WinSCP =====

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