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2017-03-05 2017-03-05
no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted) Restored revision 1488004500. Undoing revision 1488721981. (martin) (hidden)
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Though note that, if you prefer so, you can use WinSCP executable as a [[portable|portable application]] with its [[config|settings stored in an INI file]] and no installation required. This configuration is best for using WinSCP from a removable media. Though note that, if you prefer so, you can use WinSCP executable as a [[portable|portable application]] with its [[config|settings stored in an INI file]] and no installation required. This configuration is best for using WinSCP from a removable media.
===== [[download]] Obtaining WinSCP ===== ===== [[download]] Obtaining WinSCP =====

Last modified: by martin