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2005-03-21 2005-03-23
no summary ( (hidden) automating (martin)
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  - A brief installation process will take place. If certain options such as drag-and-drop integration were selected, you may be prompted to restart the computer. If necessary, choose whether or not to restart and then click finish. If you choose not to restart, some functionality of WinSCP may not be available until you do so.   - A brief installation process will take place. If certain options such as drag-and-drop integration were selected, you may be prompted to restart the computer. If necessary, choose whether or not to restart and then click finish. If you choose not to restart, some functionality of WinSCP may not be available until you do so.
 +==== Automating Installation ====
 +WinSCP uses [[&url(innosetup)|Inno Setup]] as installer. It allows automation of the installation procedure using optional command-line parameters.
 +To automate the installation you can use following parameters:
 +  * ''/SILENT'' - Runs installer without any prompts (with exception of error messages, etc.). Default selections are used for destination folder, components, etc.
 +  * ''/VERYSILENT'' - As ''/SILENT'', but without showing the progress window.
 +  * ''/LOG="filename"'' - Causes Setup to create a log file.
 +  * ''/LOADINF="filename"'' - Instructs Setup to load the settings from the specified file after having checked the command line. This file can be prepared using the ''/SAVEINF'' parameter.
 +  * ''/SAVEINF="filename"'' - Instructs Setup to save installation settings to the specified file.
 +For full list of parameters refer to [[&url(innosetup)|Inno Setup]] help.
===== Installing the FAR filemanager plugin ===== ===== Installing the FAR filemanager plugin =====

Last modified: by martin