This is an old revision of the document!

Recent Version History

This is list of changes for each release of WinSCP. See also project history.

Not Released Yet


  • Rolled back increase of socket internal buffer size for SSH. 677
  • SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2011-03-04, revision 9120). It brings following changes:
    • Support for “” compression. 146
    • Small performace improvements.
  • Removed length limit for FTP Post login commands. 673
  • Colon in stored session name and IPv6 addresses is escaped when used for generated name of session log file.
  • State of Advanced options checkbox is always remembered. 650
  • Source of the configuration is stored into session log. 683
  • Navigating back/forward with synchronized browsing enabled affects both panels. 625
  • When renaming a file during transfer, only filename (without an extension) is optionally selected. 664
  • File renaming is not started, when only focusing application. 651
  • Session colors are used on stored session list. 687
  • Bug fix: Incorrect conversion of timestamps between local and remote systems with respect to DST on Windows 2008 R2. 671
  • Bug fix: Failure on transfer error with SCP protocol. 674
  • Bug fix: Invalid timezone shifting of file timestamps with FTP protocol. 675
  • Bug fix: Pageant authentication was not working on x64. 662
  • Bug fix: Failure when reconnection fails with FTP protocol. 680
  • Bug fix: Failure when reconnecting with FTP protocol. 676
  • Bug fix: chmod command was not skipped with SCP protocol, when changing file properties but not changing permissions. 645
  • Bug fix: Error when uploading file with specific size with FTP protocol. 684




  • SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0d.
  • Enabled TLS extensions in OpenSSL, what resolves problems with some FTP servers. 658
  • Change: Compare directories command uses Shift+F2 shortcut instead of Ctrl+C. 641
  • OpenCandy advertising module was suspended from an installation application.
  • Added support for dragging files from WinRAR. 399.
  • Default ascii file mask extended with *.js. 642
  • SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2011-02-21, revision 9101).
  • Bug fix: Check for application updates was not working.
  • Bug fix: Error response to SFTP initialization request was sometimes parsed incorrectly.
  • Bug fix: It was not possible to skip errors during some operations. 654
  • Bug fix: Home directory was incorrect after reconnect with FTP protocol. 659
  • Bug fix: It was sometimes not possible to initiate file renaming. 657

4.3.1 beta


  • SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0c.
  • File renaming is not started, when only focusing file panel. 570
  • Bug fix: Failure when logging in ad-hoc session. 632
  • Bug fix: Failure when directory is reloaded while renaming file. 633
  • Bug fix: Values with special characters were not exported correctly to PuTTY. 634
  • Bug fix: Invalid DST handling in the Southern hemisphere. 638
  • Bug fix: Synchronized browsing was not preserved, when restarting application. 639


4.3 beta


  • Increased socket internal buffer size for SSH. It should improve transfer speed. Thanks to ultramage. 615
  • Environment variables are resolved in path to external editor. 563
  • Include/exclude masks can be used when moving files between local and remote directories. 536
  • Add to Bookmarks and Refresh commands added to context menus of panel path labels. 624
  • Change: With FTP protocol, passive mode is used by default. 165
  • Change: Links to website and help are no longer created in start menu folder. 616
  • Autocomplete disabled for most of the combo boxes. 619
  • SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2010-09-27, revision 9010). It brings following changes:
    • Improved port forwarding robustness.
    • When disconnected because there are no supported authentication methods left to try, the error message contains the list of methods sent by the server.
    • Standard GSS libraries are now loaded from standard locations rather than using the default DLL search path.
    • Other small bugs fixed.
  • SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.0a.
  • Bug fix: Error when refreshing panel content. 617
  • Bug fix: Error when more background transfers finish at the same moment. 622
  • Bug fix: Script does not abort after receiving no answer for prompt, when running in batch mode. 623
  • Bug fix: Main window appeared in background, when prompt for master password appeared during authentication. 629
  • Bug fix: Script running in batch mode did not automatically reconnect broken sessions. 517
  • Bug fix: Error when uploading empty file over FTPS. 489



  • Never try to rename file to the very same name. 604
  • Bug fix: Failure when executing custom command and not capturing its output. 587
  • Bug fix: GSSAPI/Kerberos was not working. 590
  • Bug fix: Local file timestamp was interpreted incorrectly for synchronization on Windows 7. 591
  • Bug fix: Failure on close scripting command. 599
  • Bug fix: Edited file was reloaded from active session, not from original session. 603
  • Bug fix: Path history was mixed among sessions. 607
  • Bug fix: Session closed after operation completed was automatically reconnected. 608
  • Bug fix: Check for application updates was hanging. 611
  • Bug fix: Missing content on OpenCandy screen. 600




  • File size masks are allowed in script commands. 555
  • Change: Conversion of timestamps between local and remote systems with respect to DST follows changes introduced in Windows 7. 564 This breaks synchronization when you used previous WinSCP versions.
  • Installation package includes development versions of PuTTYgen and Pageant applications. It brings following changes:
    • PuTTYgen supports importing of new-style OpenSSH private keys (encrypted by AES rather than 3DES).
  • SSH core upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2010-05-19, revision 8952). Improving GSSAPI support.
  • Script commands and output are included into session log. 547
  • Bug fix: IPv6 support was broken. 556
  • Bug fix: Protocol ftps was ignored in session URL when port number was also specified. 558
  • Bug fix: Suggested session path was duplicated when saving new session. 562
  • Bug fix: SFTP packet counter overflow. 565
  • Bug fix: Sorting by owner/group was broken. 571
  • Bug fix: Failure when opening session protected with master password from command-line in console. 573
  • Bug fix: Saving password in default session settings did not force prompt for master password, allowing the password being stored unencrypted.
  • Bug fix: Missing OpenCandy DLL on Windows startup. 579
  • Bug fix: Hangs when changing directory using directory tree after toggling showing of hidden files. 580
  • Bug fix: !.! was suggested as name of executable when browsing for previously undefined executable.
  • Bug fix: Failure when running multiple instances of console interface tool in parallel. 581



  • Increased maximal size of accepted SFTP packet. 548
  • Bug fix: Failure when closing connection after another failed connection. 547
  • Bug fix: Root path was not remembered as last working path on a drive. 549
  • Bug fix: Hang-up after closing connection. 550

Older versions

Last modified: by martin