
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2024-08-24 2024-08-24
Finnish translation (martin) bug 2309 (martin)
Line 56: Line 56:
  * Translations updated: Belarusian and Finnish.   * Translations updated: Belarusian and Finnish.
  * Bug fix: Incorrect //"Credentials were not specified"// error when authentication fails due to incorrect password with FTP protocol. [[bug>2302]]   * Bug fix: Incorrect //"Credentials were not specified"// error when authentication fails due to incorrect password with FTP protocol. [[bug>2302]]
 +  * Bug fix: Stall when switching from //S3// to other protocol on Login dialog on some networks. [[bug>2309]]
===== [[6.3.4]] 6.3.4 ((2024-06-17)) ===== ===== [[6.3.4]] 6.3.4 ((2024-06-17)) =====

Last modified: by martin