
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2024-07-22 2024-07-22
bug 2247 (martin) bug 128 (martin)
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  * In icons view, files are rearranged automatically when the panel is resized.   * In icons view, files are rearranged automatically when the panel is resized.
  * Fallback to nonresumable transfer when temporary target file cannot be created. [[bug>2277]]   * Fallback to nonresumable transfer when temporary target file cannot be created. [[bug>2277]]
 +  * Optionally disabled smooth scrolling in an internal editor. [[bug>128]]
  * Compatibility with FTP servers that return an empty path in root. [[bug>2300]]   * Compatibility with FTP servers that return an empty path in root. [[bug>2300]]
  * Logging can be enabled for installer subtasks.   * Logging can be enabled for installer subtasks.

Last modified: by martin