
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2024-07-07 2024-07-07
openssl state reporting (martin) bug 2299 (martin)
Line 40: Line 40:
  * Bug fix: Cannot download from WebDAV server when the request is redirected to the same path on another server. [[bug>2293]]   * Bug fix: Cannot download from WebDAV server when the request is redirected to the same path on another server. [[bug>2293]]
  * Bug fix: Overlay images were not drawn in icons view when //Name// column in //Details// view was too narrow.   * Bug fix: Overlay images were not drawn in icons view when //Name// column in //Details// view was too narrow.
 +===== [[6.3.5]] 6.3.5 (not released yet) ((2024-07-07)) =====
 +  * Better error message when server is using incompatible TLS protocol version. [[bug>2299]]
===== [[6.3.4]] 6.3.4 ((2024-06-17)) ===== ===== [[6.3.4]] 6.3.4 ((2024-06-17)) =====

Last modified: by martin