
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2023-03-09 2023-03-11
select/unselect buggy (martin) no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted)
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This is a full list of changes for each release of WinSCP. See also [[project_history|Project history]] and [[incompatible_changes|Incompatible changes between versions]]. This is a full list of changes for each release of WinSCP. See also [[project_history|Project history]] and [[incompatible_changes|Incompatible changes between versions]].
-===== [[6.0.2]] 6.0.2 (not released yet) ((2023-03-09)) ===== 
-  * Bug fix: When switching from a remote tab to a local tab, the "right" status bar does not show correct information. +пглпщн8з 
-  * Bug fix: //Edit Link// command in Explorer interface has incorrect name //Link//. +пш7а
-  * Bug fix: //Mark > Select/Unselect// command was behaving incorrectly.+
===== [[6.0.1]] 6.0.1 beta ((2023-03-07)) ===== ===== [[6.0.1]] 6.0.1 beta ((2023-03-07)) =====

Last modified: by