
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2022-11-22 2022-11-22
bug 2139+ (martin) reattach bug (martin)
Line 73: Line 73:
  * Bug fix: Failure when saving edited file while current tab is not connected. [[bug>2139]]   * Bug fix: Failure when saving edited file while current tab is not connected. [[bug>2139]]
  * Bug fix: When the current session is encrypted, saved edited file was uploaded using the current session instead of its source session. When the current session is not encrypted, edited files opened in any encrypted session was uploaded on the background, possibly leading to data inconsistent files.   * Bug fix: When the current session is encrypted, saved edited file was uploaded using the current session instead of its source session. When the current session is not encrypted, edited files opened in any encrypted session was uploaded on the background, possibly leading to data inconsistent files.
 +  * Bug fix: When reattaching edited file to re-connection session, the file was always attached to the current session instead of the possibly non-active re-connected session.
===== [[5.21.5]] 5.21.5 ((2022-10-06)) ===== ===== [[5.21.5]] 5.21.5 ((2022-10-06)) =====

Last modified: by martin