
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2018-03-30 2018-03-30
no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted) no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted)
Line 5: Line 5:
===== [[5.14]] 5.14 (not released yet) ((2018-03-29)) ===== ===== [[5.14]] 5.14 (not released yet) ((2018-03-29)) =====
-  * Local UNC paths can be browsed. emmm... [[bug>133]]+  * Local UNC paths can be browsed. [[bug>133]]
  * Toolbar buttons can be hidden. [[bug>582]]   * Toolbar buttons can be hidden. [[bug>582]]
  * Function //"Keep remote directory up to date"// can be started in a new window   * Function //"Keep remote directory up to date"// can be started in a new window

Last modified: by