
This shows you the differences between the selected revisions of the page.

2015-11-04 2015-11-04
releasing 5.7.6 (martin) moving 5.5.5, 5.5.6, 5.6 - 5.6.2 to history_old (martin)
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  * Bug fix: Failure when copying multiple files checksum results to clipboard. [[bug>1243]]   * Bug fix: Failure when copying multiple files checksum results to clipboard. [[bug>1243]]
  * Bug fix: Large sizes are displayed incorrectly. [[bug>1244]]   * Bug fix: Large sizes are displayed incorrectly. [[bug>1244]]
-===== [[5.6.2]] 5.6.2 beta ===== 
-=== 2014-10-23 === 
-  * Computer can be suspended when operation completes. Thanks to s.vaningelgem. [[bug>694]] 
-  * Uploading back files modified by local custom command. [[bug>169]] 
-  * UTF-8 support for SCP. [[bug>325]] 
-  * Checkbox to exclude all directories as a shortcut and hint to ''*'' mask on Edit file mask dialog. 
-  * Improved Synchronization checklist window: 
-    * Synchronization direction can be reversed for individual files. [[bug>225]] 
-    * Showing total size of files selected for synchronization. [[bug>23]] 
-    * Custom commands are available in context menu. [[bug>566]] 
-    * Labeling custom commands drop down menu //Commands// only to fit the label to the button. 
-    * Bug fix: Icon was misplaced when columns order was changed. 
-  * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1j. Fixing several security defects. 
-  * Rounding file sizes up. [[bug>1204]] 
-  * Global configuration options can be set on command-line. [[bug>876]] 
-  * Command to copy find results to clipboard. [[bug>1117]] 
-  * Optimized startup time. Sponsored by Alan Irwin. [[bug>1220]] 
-  * Improved compatibility with antiquated FTP servers, like IIS: [[bug>1221]] 
-    * Using ''CWD''/''SIZE''/''MDTM'' to retrieve information about file when ''MLST'' is not supported. [[bug>1209]] 
-    * Non-standard use of ''MDTM'' to modify remote file timestamp. 
-    * Auto-detecting timezone difference when ''MLST'' is not supported. 
-  * Natural order numerical sorting of file names and sites. [[bug>425]] 
-  * Support for ProFTPD FTP extensions ''SITE COPY''/''CPFR''/''CPTO'' to duplicate a remote file, and ''SITE SYMLINK'' to create a symbolic link. 
-  * Configurable file panel font size. [[bug>596]] 
-  * Moved mask hint below directory mask boxes on Edit file mask dialog to make it obvious it applies to those masks too. 
-  * //Edit With// menu (previously //Edit (alternative)// added to file panel context menu. [[bug>1226]] 
-  * Added //New// (//> File/Directory//) menu to local panel context menu. [[bug>1227]] 
-  * Added "Exclude directories" transfer settings preset. 
-  * When FTP ''MLSD'' listing does not include ''Unix.mode'' fact, presenting at least a ''Perm'' fact, if available. [[bug>1208]] 
-  * Defaulting ''Session.ReconnectTime'' to 120 seconds to match the new actual default (see [[bug>1173]]). Setting the property to ''TimeSpan.MaxValue'' removes any limit. 
-  * Improved detection if user shall be offered external editor auto configuration. 
-  * Merging TLS and SSL encryption options for FTP into one, trying ''AUTH TLS'' first, falling back to ''AUTH SSL''. 
-  * Timestamp variable in scripting. [[bug>1223]] 
-  * Auto-detecting when SFTP server does not use UTF-8 encoding with SFTP-3 and older. [[bug>1212]] 
-  * Removed //Ext// sub-caption from //Name// columns on file panels (since Windows Vista, it is no longer possible to distinguish sorting by name and extension in column header). 
-  * Configurable WebDAV root path in .NET assembly. [[bug>1213]] 
-  * Change: A .NET assembly method ''Session.ExecuteCommand'' does not throw an exception on error. Instead a ''CommandExecutionResult'' now descends from a ''OperationResultBase'' (use it's ''Check'' method to reproduce the previous behavior). 
-  * An ''ExitCode'' property added to ''CommandExecutionResult'' in .NET assembly and an ''exitcode'' tag added to XML logging. [[bug>1225]] 
-  * A ''SecureString'' can be used provide password in .NET assembly via property ''SessionOptions.SecurePassword''. [[bug>1230]] 
-  * Allow accessing ''RemoteFileInfo'' length via ''IDispatch'' on 32-bit systems. [[bug>1231]] 
-  * Masking out password in .NET assembly debug log. 
-  * Not considering directory name "extension" when sorting file panel by file type. [[bug>1211]] 
-  * Not popping up a message box, when fatal startup error occurs in scripting with ''/nointeractiveinput'' switch (including runs by .NET assembly). If XML logging is enabled, the fatal error is recorded in the log (and promoted to .NET assembly). 
-  * Improving GUI responsiveness when finishing uploads with SFTP protocol. 
-  * Button to use system editor on Editor Preferences dialog. 
-  * Optionally not honoring system NoDrives policy. [[bug>1233]] 
-  * Trying to use ''cp -T'' when duplicating remote files. [[bug>1217]] 
-  * Optionally using deterministic paths to temporary mirrors of remote files. [[bug>410]] 
-  * WebDAV core upgraded to neon 0.30.1. 
-  * License in setup can be accepted simply by pressing //Accept// button. 
-  * Supporting Unicode characters in private key file path. [[bug>1196]] 
-  * Disabling permissions controls on Create directory dialog if protocol does not allow changing permissions. 
-  * Disabling Terminal window with WebDAV protocol. 
-  * Failing scripting commands ''call'' and ''chmod'' with WebDAV protocol. 
-  * Improving workaround for Gallery2 WebDAV server that incorrectly fail ''PROPFIND'' requests for non existing files with ''401'' (authentication failure) code. 
-  * Showing error details when logging to a file fails. [[bug>1198]] 
-  * Showing error details when opening/creating a local file with FTP protocol fails. 
-  * Display progress window earlier when transfer start is taking long with SFTP protocol. [[bug>1202]] 
-  * SSL 3.0 disabled by default, to protect from SSL vulnerabilities, such as CVE-2014-3566 (POODLE). 
-  * Changed default checksum algorithm to "sha1". 
-  * Added ''Session.ReconnectTimeInMilliseconds'' as an alternative to ''Session.ReconnectTime'' that can be used from COM hosts not supporting 64-bit integers (such as VBA). 
-  * Added alternative private key file filter that selects other key file formats in addition to ''.ppk''. 
-  * Enabling //Import Sites// command even when no site is found and showing reason later. [[bug>1219]] 
-  * Terminating the last line of console output, if it was progress line. 
-  * Preventing "Pick an app" being offered as an external editor when the last editor was uninstalled. 
-  * Displaying notification when source file mask in script matches no file. 
-  * More tolerance to invalid modification time format with WebDAV protocol. [[bug>1232]] 
-  * Bug fix: Failure when error occurs while working with local files. [[bug>1218]] 
-  * Bug fix: Keyboard accelerators to mask boxes on Edit file mask dialog were not working. 
-  * Bug fix: Not possible to select/enter file name with Unicode characters in filename input boxes. [[bug>1195]] 
-  * Bug fix: Wrong "Timeout detected" message when FTP control connection is closed while transferring a file. [[bug>1197]] 
-  * Bug fix: Cannot retrieve file from root folder of FTP server. [[bug>1199]] 
-  * Bug fix: Mouse cursor of file list/directory tree splitter is not adjusted when //Show directory tree left of file list// preference option is enabled. [[bug>1200]] 
-  * Bug fix: Sort column header caption was truncated too much on Windows Vista and later. 
-  * Bug fix: Hint for making tree sizes equal is not generic enough to cover "Tree on left" option. [[bug>1206]] 
-  * Bug fix: OpenSSL was built without optimizations. 
-  * Bug fix: When opening a session from command-line in scripting failure is randomly reported. [[bug>1210]] 
-  * Bug fix: Part of interface description is obscured in installer when themes are turned off. 
-  * Bug fix: On the first authentication failure, message "Access without password denied", even when password was actually used. [[bug>1214]] 
-  * Bug fix: When any default settings are saved, logged source of ad-hoc sites is wrongly identified as modified site. [[bug>1216]] 
-  * Bug fix: Cannot retrieve file from current folder of FTP server in scripting. [[bug>1222]] 
-  * Bug fix: When ''failonnomatch'' is enabled, script does not fail when multiple source masks are used, and the second and later mask matches no file. 
-  * Bug fix: SSL 2.0 use could be configured, despite not actually supporting the protocol. 
-  * Bug fix: Hidden columns, including otherwise not-displayable internal column //Ext//, are shown when ''Ctrl-+'' shortcut is used. [[bug>1228]] 
-  * Bug fix: Cannot rename directory on WebDAV servers that insist on source path ending with slash. [[bug>1229]] 
-  * Bug fix: ''Session'' class properties could not be set over ''IDispatch'' without exact types (particularly boolean properties could not be set with integer value). 
-===== [[5.6.1]] 5.6.1 beta ===== 
-=== 2014-07-22 === 
-  * SFTP version 6 supported: [[bug>96]] 
-    * Hardlinks can be created. 
-    * Optimized directory reading and file downloading. 
-  * Allowed stored sites, including their names and initial directories, to preserve Unicode characters. [[bug>1189]] 
-  * Workaround for Vandyke VShell incorrect announcement of checksum calculation support. [[bug>1190]] 
-  * Workaround for Bitvise WinSSHD lack of SFTP extensions announcement. [[bug>1191]] 
-  * Workaround for incorrect SFTP link argument in ProFTPD/mod_sftp. 
-  * Support for proprietary OpenSSH extension ''hardlink@openssh.com'' for creating hardlinks. [[bug>1192]] 
-  * //Open// command can open directories. 
-  * WinSCP can register to handle WinSCP-specific WebDAV URL addresses (''%%winscp-http://%%'' and ''%%winscp-https://%%''). 
-  * Improved stack trace reporting for internal errors. 
-  * No showing suggestion to delete file in error when overwriting file on non-interactive displays. 
-  * Workaround for FTP servers that do not enclose path in response to PWD command in quotes. [[bug>1193]] 
-  * Bug fix: Failure when opening SCP session. [[bug>1187]] 
-  * Bug fix: Missing help link for //Note page// of Advanced Site Settings dialog. 
-  * Bug fix: Failure when processing results of upload in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation. [[bug>1188]] 
-  * Bug fix: Wrong formatting of some error messages on log view of Keep remote directory up to date dialog with //Continue on error// option enabled. 
-  * Bug fix: Modified edited/opened remote files are incorrectly uploaded using an active session, instead of their original session. [[bug>1194]] 
-===== [[5.6]] 5.6 beta ===== 
-=== 2014-07-11 === 
-  * WebDAV support, both for GUI and automation (scripting and .NET assembly). [[bug>160]] 
-  * Ongoing foreground transfer can be moved to background transfer queue. [[bug>1170]] 
-  * Improved working with session URL: 
-    * When clipboard contains session URL, //Paste// command on a main window opens the session specified by the URL. When save extension is used, Save session as site dialog opens instead. [[bug>663]] 
-    * Added //Paste Session URL// command on Login dialog with ''Ctrl+V'' keyboard shortcut. 
-    * When session URL is typed into //Host name// box on Login dialog, it is parsed when the box loses keyboard focus. 
-    * New dialog for session URL generation. It also obsoletes previous //File > File Names > Copy URL to Clipboard// command. 
-  * Note field for site. [[bug>353]] 
-  * Improved display of files sizes in panels: 
-    * Displaying file sizes in panels always in KB's by default. [[bug>1124]] 
-    * Applying file panel size format to //Transferred// indicator on queue list. [[bug>1124]] 
-    * Reverted to JEDEC size units (KB, MB, GB) instead of IEC units (KiB, MiB, GiB). [[bug>1123]] 
-  * Improved informing about updates: 
-    * Updates information dialog shows change list. 
-    * Pending updates information is optionally shown on startup. 
-    * Updates information balloon encourages to click it to display change list. 
-    * Toolbar button always checks for updates, instead of showing cached data, when available. 
-    * Distinguishing new version information on notification balloon. 
-  * Improvements to scripting, command-line and .NET assembly: 
-    * Remote file can be opened for editing in a standalone internal editor using ''/edit'' command-line parameter. [[bug>14]] 
-    * Change: When executing script file or script commands provided on command-line, default batch mode is ''abort'' and overwrite confirmations are turned off. 
-    * Change: Enabling batch mode in scripting automatically limits reconnect time to 120 seconds, if it is not limited yet. [[bug>1173]] 
-    * Change: When host key does not match fingerprint specified on command line or in script, user is not prompted to verify the host key and connection is abandoned with meaningful error message. [[bug>1186]] 
-    * ''Session.Close'' method in .NET assembly. 
-    * Speed limit in .NET assembly. [[bug>1019]] 
-    * Passphrase can be provided on command line/in scripting and .NET assembly. [[bug>816]] 
-    * Added switch ''-neweronly'' to ''put'' and ''get'' scripting commands to enable //New and updated files only// option. [[bug>666]] 
-    * Optionally failing command when file mask matches no files. [[bug>1172]] 
-    * Updated in-application command-line help page with missing parameters and to match online help page. 
-    * Bug fix: ''Session.SynchronizeDirectories'' could not be called via ''IDispatch''. [[bug>1136]] 
-    * Detect and report that session is closed unexpectedly instead of reporting XML log reading error in .NET assembly. [[bug>1137]] 
-    * Warning when starting configured transfer settings or synchronization options in script are not factory defaults. 
-    * For negative (system) WinSCP exit codes, the .NET assembly presents the code also in hexadecimal format as is common for system error codes. 
-  * Support for long local paths. [[bug>821]] 
-  * Option not to abort //Keep remote directory up to date// on errors. [[bug>720]] 
-  * Support for ''copy-file'' SFTP extension to duplicate remote files. 
-  * Customizable background color of Internal editor. [[bug>480]] 
-  * IDE upgraded to Embarcadero C++ Builder XE6. 
-  * ECDH ciphers supported with TLS. 
-  * Optionally opening new sessions in separate window by default. [[bug>1000]] 
-  * Command to auto-detect proxy for session settings. [[bug>1147]] 
-  * Hidden files are hidden by default. 
-  * Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 5.5.5. 
-  * When internal exception occurs, stack trace is included into error message (and error report subsequently). 
-  * Replaced //Symbolic link// option when creating/editing list with //Hard link// option to avoid confusion when the option is disabled when hard links are not supported. 
-  * Not sizing message box buttons to width of the widest button. 
-  * With FTP protocol, transfer settings do not mention removing EOF mark, as this is not supported. 
-  * All top level windows (particularly when main window is not shown) have title icon, taskbar button and "WinSCP" suffix in title. 
-  * Separated hidden and filtered files indicator to separate status bar panels that can be clicked to show hidden files or modify filter respectively. 
-  * Site-specific transfer settings preset can be added from Login dialog. 
-  * Using continuous "Synchronizing" in Synchronize progress window title. 
-  * Automatically replacing forbidden slash in name of site imported from FileZilla. [[bug>1111]] 
-  * Updated hint for //Paste// command to indicate it can also paste path and session URL. 
-  * Command //Server/Protocol Information// moved to //Session// menu and session tab context menu. 
-  * Warning when trying to edit large files in an internal editor. [[bug>1120]] 
-  * After site import, selecting the first imported site in site tree on Login dialog. 
-  * Close buttons on progress windows cancel operation. 
-  * When collecting synchronization list for directory fails, allow skipping an error and continuing. [[bug>1132]] 
-  * Close session tab on middle mouse click. [[bug>1133]] 
-  * Using //Yes/////No// buttons on "Cancel ..." prompts instead of ambiguous //OK/////Cancel// buttons. 
-  * Translating common Linux-PAM keyboard-interactive "Password:" prompt. [[bug>1135]] 
-  * Showing queue status information balloons also when application in minimized. 
-  * Information-only notification balloons distinguish main information. 
-  * Session option //Chokes on WinSCP's SSH-2 'winadj' requests// made configurable. [[bug>1139]] 
-  * Improved drive list updating: 
-    * Preventing stale network drives from slowing or completely halting main window opening. 
-    * Bug fix: CD/DVD label was not shown on Windows Vista and newer. 
-    * Bug fix: CD/DVD label was not updated when media was changed. 
-  * Showing background transfer queue list toolbar by default. 
-  * Widening default Explorer interface window to fit all background transfer queue list columns. 
-  * Removed useless trailing accelerator appendixes from toolbar button labels (typical for East Asian languages). 
-  * Indicating when reading directory with SFTP protocol takes long because of resolving symbolic links. [[bug>1149]] 
-  * Setup explains that application restart is needed to replace Drag&drop shell extension. [[bug>1150]] 
-  * Using "<none>" instead of "<root>" on Save session as site dialog to indicate that site is not stored in folder. 
-  * Moved //Delete local files to recycle bin// checkbox in Preferences to //Panels > Local// page. 
-  * Presenting Directory size calculation progress as indeterminate on progress bar of Progress window. 
-  * When saving current session as site, duplicating current session and opening current session in PuTTY, considering even username and password entered during authentication. 
-  * Showing status for valid FTP over TLS certificates on Server and Protocol information dialog. 
-  * Showing at least untranslated certificate error description from OpenSSL library for rare FTP over TLS certificate errors. 
-  * Caching FTP certificates per site. 
-  * Requiring FTP certificate revalidation when rejection reason changes. 
-  * Showing notification balloon when error is suspended by //Continue on error// option. 
-  * Not saving tunnel password if password saving is not explicitly confirmed. 
-  * Offering saving a site when leaving site editor. [[bug>1174]] 
-  * Offering saving site when closing Login dialog while editing. [[bug>1175]] 
-  * Improved verification of FTP TLS/SSL certificates against system Trusted Root Certification Authorities. [[bug>1063]] 
-  * //Use MLSD command for directory listing// affects also use of ''MLST'' command. [[bug>1181]] 
-  * Consistently using //Target remote path// label on Duplicate and Move dialogs to indicate that the box includes also target file name, not only target directory. 
-  * Using an actual file name on Duplicate and Move dialogs instead of ''*.*'' when transferring a single file only. [[bug>1182]] 
-  * Widened Duplicate and Move dialogs. 
-  * Keyboard shortcut ''Ctrl+Alt+F'' for //Filter// command. [[bug>929]] 
-  * //Beep when work finishes// applies also to emptying background transfer queue. [[bug>697]] 
-  * Drop down arrow added to //Encoding// drop down menu on Internal editor toolbar. 
-  * Workaround for ProFTPD/mod_sftp bug in SFTP ''space-available'' packet. [[bug>1184]] 
-  * Using //Reverses Order of Symlink Command Arguments// workaround for ProFTPD/mod_sftp. [[bug>1185]] 
-  * Bug fix: If an INI file name is exactly ''winscp.ini'', an INI file path on Preferences dialog is shown incorrectly. 
-  * Bug fix: Tunnel password saving confirmation was repeatedly required when saving edited site, when there was no main session password. 
-  * Bug fix: Not printing "Reading remote directory" while opening session, when directory is not actually read (in scripting particularly). 
-  * Bug fix: Not including ''@'' in logged masked URL when there is no username/password in the URL. 
-  * Bug fix: Potential failure when resolving folder attributes for local folder tree display. 
-  * Bug fix: Error was silently ignored when synchronizing local file timestamp failed. 
-  * Bug fix: Failure when starting in a restricted environment (such as Microsoft Azure WebSite/WebJob). [[bug>1215]] 
-===== [[5.5.6]] 5.5.6 (hotfix) ===== 
-=== 2014-10-16 === 
-  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.6.2 beta release: 
-    * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1j. Fixing several security defects. 
-    * Bug fix: When opening a session from command-line in scripting failure is randomly reported. [[bug>1210]] 
-    * Bug fix: Cannot retrieve file from current folder of FTP server in scripting. [[bug>1222]] 
-    * SSL 3.0 disabled by default, to protect from SSL vulnerabilities, such as CVE-2014-3566 (POODLE). 
-===== [[5.5.5]] 5.5.5 (hotfix) ===== 
-=== 2014-08-21 === 
-  * Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.6 - 5.6.2 beta releases: 
-    * TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1i. Fixing several moderate severity security defects. 
-    * Workaround for ProFTPD/mod_sftp bug in SFTP ''space-available'' packet. [[bug>1184]] 
-    * Using //Reverses Order of Symlink Command Arguments// workaround for ProFTPD/mod_sftp. [[bug>1185]] 
-    * Workaround for Vandyke VShell incorrect announcement of checksum calculation support. [[bug>1190]] 
-    * Improved detection if user shall be offered external editor auto configuration. 
-    * Showing error details when logging to a file fails. [[bug>1198]] 
-    * Bug fix: If an INI file name is exactly ''winscp.ini'', an INI file path on Preferences dialog is shown incorrectly. 
-    * Bug fix: Failure when processing results of upload in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation. [[bug>1188]] 
-    * Bug fix: Keyboard accelerators to mask boxes on Edit file mask dialog were not working. 
-    * Bug fix: Not possible to select/enter file name with Unicode characters in filename input boxes. [[bug>1195]] 
-    * Bug fix: Wrong "Timeout detected" message when FTP control connection is closed while transferring a file. [[bug>1197]] 
-    * Bug fix: Cannot retrieve file from root folder of FTP server. [[bug>1199]] 
-    * Bug fix: Mouse cursor of file list/directory tree splitter is not adjusted when //Show directory tree left of file list// preference option is enabled. [[bug>1200]] 
[[history_old|[Older versions] ]] [[history_old|[Older versions] ]]

Last modified: by martin