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2005-12-20 2005-12-20
3.8 beta (martin) move 3.7.5 and older to old (martin)
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  * Bug fix: It was possible to enter invalid mask to transfer setting preset autoselection rule.   * Bug fix: It was possible to enter invalid mask to transfer setting preset autoselection rule.
  * Bug fix: //Help// button on console window was incorrectly anchored.   * Bug fix: //Help// button on console window was incorrectly anchored.
-===== 3.7.5 beta ===== 
-=== 2005-05-07 ===  
-  * Transfer settings presets: 
-    * In addition to default transfer settings, any number of presets can be configured on //Presets tab// of Preferences Dialog. 
-    * User can make any preset default on //Transfer Settings// toolbar. 
-    * The preset can be also made default automatically based on current hostname, username, remote and local directory. 
-    * User can load settings from any preset on Upload, Download, Synchronize and Keep Remote Directory Up to Date dialogs. 
-  * Transfers settings can be configured on Synchronize and Keep Remote Directory Up to Date dialogs. 
-  * New Office XP-like look and functionality of menus and toolbars: 
-    * Nicer design. 
-    * Toolbars can be docked virtually anywhere. They can be even left floating. 
-    * When the whole toolbar does not fit on a window, dropped off buttons can be still shown using drop down menu. 
-    * Support for large fonts. 
-    * Limitations to be resolved yet:  
-      * Session drop down menu cannot be resized anymore. 
-    * All that thanks to [[&url(tb2k)|Toolbar2000]] library by Jordan Russell and [[&url(tbx)|TBX]] library by Alex A. Denisov. 
-  * Check for updates improved: 
-    * Automatic check in regular interval can be enabled. See //Updates tab// on Preferences dialog. 
-    * New toolbar //Updates// with icon indicating the new version. 
-    * In addition to information about the new version, WinSCP can show message from the server (even when new version is not available yet). 
-    * The check can pass thru HTTP proxy server. 
-    * To allow new features, WinSCP sends to the server its current version and UI language. 
-  * Several changes to custom commands: 
-    * Custom commands that does not work with files selected in file panels (no ''!'', ''!&'', ''!^!'' patterns) are now officially supported. Such commands can be executed anytime, even if no file is selected. Also they are executed only once, despite several files being selected. Options //Apply to directories// and //Execute recursivelly// cannot be configured for them. Command //Disk Space Usage// added as an example (''df''). 
-    * Possibility to run ad hoc custom command (//File(s) > Custom Commands > Enter//). 
-    * Custom command that works with local files can be run from the main menu even when local panel is active (Norton Commander interface only). 
-    * History for custom command parameters. 
-    * Output to //stderr// and exit code 1 are not considered as error for custom commands. 
-    * Example custom command //File compare// is not shown on Windows 95/98 saving necessity to tag it as //NT/2k/XP only//. 
-  * Context sensitive help improved: 
-    * Button //Help// added to all dialogs. 
-    * Virtually all main menu items have context-sensitive help (''F1''). 
-    * Many message boxes have context-sensitive help. 
-    * Context help points to specific tab help for Preferences dialog. 
-  * Preferred SFTP protocol version can be set. Particularly useful to workaround bugs in implementation of particular SFTP version (both in WinSCP and the server). 
-  * Functionality of SFTP server bug //Does not use UTF-8 for SFTP4 and newer// workaround extended. It is now titled //Server does not use UTF-8//. By setting it to //Off//, usage of UTF-8 can be forced even for SFTP3 and older (useful for servers using MBCS natively). Thanks to [[&url(tommy)|Tommy Wu]]. 
-  * Function //Keep remote directory up to date// can handle subdirectory addition and removal. 
-  * Function //Synchronize// can optionally synchronize timestamps of existing files only, instead of actual files (SFTP only). 
-  * New ''/command'' command-line option to pass command to scripting. 
-  * File size can be optionally used as comparison criterion for synchronization. 
-  * Files can be excluded from transfer negatively using //Include mask//. 
-  * All links now point to [[http://winscp.net/|winscp.net]]. 
-  * Several changes in setup: 
-    * Link "Using public keys for SSH authentication" is no longer created. 
-    * Link "Documentation" is added to Start menu. 
-    * Setup allows user to install WinSCP without accepting the GPL licence. 
-    * Some Start menu icons have comment (displayed as hint). 
-  * Direction of synchronization can be saved to preferences.  
-  * SSH core upgraded to [[&url(puttychanges)|PuTTY 0.58]]. It brings following changes: 
-    * Bug fix: Failure when connecting through SOCKS proxy. 
-  * SFTP moved before SCP in Login dialog navigation tree as well as in protocol selection box to emphasise current state of art. 
-  * SFTP server bug //Misinterprets file timestamps prior to 1970// workaround introduced in 3.7.4 can be now configured from //SFTP tab// of Login dialog. 
-  * Added workaround for some versions of F-SECURE SSH server that incorrectly use attribute ''SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID'' with SFTP4. 
-  * Transfer queue list distinguishes process of "transfer size calculation". 
-  * Confirmation messages unified to always show //Cancel// button. Previously some contained //Abort// instead. 
-  * Improved error reporting for //Keep remote directory up to date// function. 
-  * Function //Keep remote directory up to date// can perform full synchronization on start. By default user confirmation is required. 
-  * Confirmation of transfer resume can be suppressed the same way as overwrite confirmation, i.e. by disabling confirmation for synchronization, background transfers or in script. 
-  * Function //Open in PuTTY// is available on //Commands// toolbar. 
-  * Error messages have button //Skip All// to skip all futher errors during batch operation. 
-  * Single notation consistently used to refer to SSH protocol versions. 
-  * Proxy password is stored encrypted, while maintaining compatibility with older versions and PuTTY. 
-  * Some error messages that were previously tagged as //Confirmation// are now properly tagged as //Error//. 
-  * During upload, when overwritting remote file fails and user selects //Retry//, overwrite confirmation is not requested again. 
-  * //Editor// tab of Preferences dialog redesigned. 
-  * Fixed potential security issue in console interface tool ''WinSCP3.com'' (thanks to [[http://ao.mine.nu/|Paul Ward]]). 
-  * Fixed potential security issues when decoding SFTP packets. 
-  * Confirmations during background transfers can be supressed from //Background tab// of Preferences dialog too. 
-  * Both compare directory criterions (//Compare by time// and //Compare by size//) can be unselected making WinSCP select only files not existing in the opposite directory. 
-  * Functions //Synchronize// and //Keep remote directory up to date// do not delete files by default. This affects fresh installation only! 
-  * Server host key fingerprint verification box re-formated. It also shows key type now. 
-  * When synchronizing and comparing directories, the time difference of one second is ignored (for compatibility with FAT file systems). It is also ignored when transferring newer files only. 
-  * New scripting command ''call'' to run arbitrary remote shell command. If the current session does not support this (SFTP), separate shell session is automatically opened. Alias for the command is ''!''. 
-  * File masks can be directory specific, where meaningful (text file mask, exclusion masks). For example mask ''*/public_html/*.php'' matches only PHP files in directory ''public_html''. It does not matter what slashes are used, the mask always matches both remote and local directories. 
-  * Lines beginning with '';'' or ''#'' are ignored in script files (can be used for comments). 
-  * When connected to Vandyke VShell server for Windows, the remote directory tree shows list of drives on the server (implemented support for SFTP extension ''fs-roots@vandyke.com''). 
-  * Window title and application taskbar button can show name of current directory (default) or current full path. 
-  * //Session toolbar// is initially hidden. Shows once you open at least two sessions simultaneously. 
-  * When authentication using stored password fails while running script, WinSCP does not ask user for another password. 
-  * Back/forward menu is preserved when switching sessions. 
-  * Reverted 3.7.2 change "File panel reflects change of system icon font in run time". It caused file panel fonts to be extremelly large on some systems. 
-  * When the same file is downloaded to editor again and support for editors that open multiple files in one process is enabled, the file is downloaded to the same temporary directory as before. This allows editor to reload the updated file (if supported by the editor). 
-  * Optional remote file panel column //Link target// showing target of symbolic links. 
-  * Context menu for "name" column header of file panel has item //By extension// to sort the column by file extension. 
-  * Logging level can be configured from GUI (on //Logging tab// of Login and Preferences dialog). 
-  * When changing permissions of one directory, the checkboxes cannot be toggled to "undefined" state unless //Recursive// options is checked. 
-  * Progress dialog shows //Time left// instead of previous //Time estimated//. 
-  * Checkboxes on permissions box toggle in order: unchecked, checked, grayed. 
-  * Existing target file is removed before resumable transfer to verify that user has sufficient permissions as soon as possible (SFTP-only). 
-  * When downloading to or uploading from the temporary directory (e.g. when editing files), user is not bothered with full path. 
-  * When uploading from editor using background transfer, the confirmations are always suppressed despite settings of background transfers. 
-  * Fallback to pre-3.7.2 method of detecting existence of remote directory, in case the server does not support ''SSH_FXP_LSTAT'' request (FTPshell Server).  
-  * WinSCP is no longer sending SFTP extensions ''winscp@winscp.sourceforge.net'' and ''software@generic-extensions''. Instead ''vendor-id'' is used as proposed by SFTP version 6. 
-  * Smarter queue visibility toggling. 
-  * Link to logging configuration from log window toolbar. 
-  * Internal editor window never falls off the desktop work area. The same is true for default (fresh installation) position of main window. 
-  * Session name cannot contain some special characters. Especially slash ''/'', that caused problems when parsing URLs. 
-  * New //No to all// button on confirmation message, where user can select between appending source file and alternate method for transfer resuming. It makes WinSCP resume transfer whenever it finds smaller file in target directory with the same name. 
-  * New //No to all// button on confirmation message for alternative method of transfer resume. 
-  * Bug fix: Command //File(s) > Move to// was not disabled for SFTP version 1 and older. 
-  * Bug fix: It was not possible to change local drive using drop down menu, when the last used path on the drive was removed. 
-  * Bug fix: Functions //Synchronize// and //Keep remote directory up to date// have ignored file for one minute after the target file was changed just at whole minute (0 seconds). 
-  * Bug fix: Failure when browsing using back/forward buttons on some mouses and there is no path to browse back/forward. 
-  * Bug fix: Random seed file was not saved at all in most cases. 
-  * Bug fix: Misleading error message was shown when file in subdirectory was excluded by filemask (SCP-only). 
-  * Bug fix: When uploading file from editor, //Exclude mask// was not ignored, what prevented editing some files. 
-  * Bug fix: Check for suspicious files containing ''/'' or ''\'' have not considered Unicode filenames (SFTP-only). 
-  * Bug fix: ''Shift+Ctrl+Left/Right'' in path input boxes was not selecting text. 
-  * Bug fix: WinSCP failed when keepalive occured during initialisation of separate shell session. 
-  * Bug fix: Timestamp was incorrectly shown in terminal window. 
-  * Bug fix: ''cd'' command in terminal window on separate shell session have not changed path in main SFTP session. 
-  * Bug fix: Function //Keep remote directory up to date// has watched even directories excluded from transfers. 
-  * Bug fix: Excluding remote files containing colon ('':'') from transfer have not worked correctly. 
-  * Bug fix: Synchronization confirmation message for download referred to "upload" instead. 
-===== 3.7.4 ===== 
-=== 2005-02-10 ===  
-  * Workaround for OpenSSH SFTP server bug that caused all file modification timestamps older than 1970 be interpreted as timestamps after 2038. 
-  * Current directory can be changed by pasting (''Ctrl+V'' or //File > Paste//) path from clipboard. 
-  * Small improvements for bi-directional languages. 
-  * //Key exchange// tab of Login dialog is disabled for SSH-1-only. 
-  * Improved debug logging. 
-  * Bug fix: In 3.7.3 the Synchronize dialog failed to open in non-English versions. 
-  * Bug fix: SCP uploads sometime timed out. 
-===== 3.7.3 ===== 
-=== 2005-02-07 ===  
-  * Function //Keep remote directory up to date// now can watch for up to 500 directories (62 previously). 
-  * Allowed downloads to UNC paths. 
-  * When logging is enabled and several sessions (including background transfer connections) are opened at a time, several log files are generated. 
-  * Exit code is propagated to console interface tool, ''WinSCP3.com''. 
-  * GUI application, ''WinSCP3.exe'', waits until user pressed any key before exit, when run with ''/?'' parameter. 
-  * When focused control (like directory tree) is hidden, focus is moved to the last used file panel. 
-  * Default (installation) size of the Norton Commander interface is larger, if the screen resolution allows it. 
-  * Log file includes timestamps of all events. 
-  * Bug fix: Crash when using Proxy with //Do DNS name lookup at proxy end// enabled. 
-  * Bug fix: Upload hangs on empty (0 bytes) files (SFTP only). 
-  * Bug fix: Command //File Names > Copy to Clipboard// have not worked correctly. 
-  * Bug fix: The last toolbar in a toolbar row is not restored incorrectly right-aligned anymore. 
-  * Bug fix: WinSCP now restores window size correctly even when it was closed very small. 
-  * Bug fix: Hangs and other problems when showing control (like queue view) that was previously hidden larger then current window size. 
-  * Bug fix: Rekey time limit could not be set to zero (to disable time-based rekey). 
[[history_old|Older versions]] [[history_old|Older versions]]

Last modified: by martin