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2023-10-02 2024-01-13
Restored revision 1685601987. Undoing revision 1696175563. (martin) (hidden) no summary ( (hidden) (untrusted)
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  * Though, with the default Win32-OpenSSH configuration there is an exception set in ''sshd_config'' for accounts in ''Administrators'' group. For these, the server uses a different location for the authorized keys file: ''%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys'' (i.e. typically ''C:\ProgramData\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys''). &winpath   * Though, with the default Win32-OpenSSH configuration there is an exception set in ''sshd_config'' for accounts in ''Administrators'' group. For these, the server uses a different location for the authorized keys file: ''%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys'' (i.e. typically ''C:\ProgramData\ssh\administrators_authorized_keys''). &winpath
-===== [[connecting]] Connecting to the server =====+
==== Finding Host Key ==== ==== Finding Host Key ====

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