Background Color for PuTTY sessions


Lady Lovelace

Background Color for PuTTY sessions

I love the feature that you can configure different colors for the sessions when using sftp sessions in WinSCP and appreciate the feature that you can use Ctrl+P to start PuTTY and send a command to that host.

The feature that I lack is to be able to configure specific commands to send to PuTTY (different commands) for every sessions and at the same time get the same background color in the PuTTY window. It would help a lot, to have the confidence that you know that you are logged on to the right server. Could be a minor problem, but really a "nice to have" feature

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Prague, Czechia

Re: Background Color for PuTTY sessions

Lady Lovelace wrote:

The feature that I lack is to be able to configure specific commands to send to PuTTY (different commands) for every sessions and at the same time get the same background color in the PuTTY window.
Can you please elaborate on this. Do the "specific commands" and "same background color" somehow relate (how?) or are these separate commands? Do I understand right, that you want the same background color in PuTTY as in WinSCP? What about foreground/text color? They are different in WinSCP (black) and PuTTY (light gray). For this to be working correctly, PuTTY would have to change the foreground color to black.

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Re: Background Color for PuTTY sessions

I will try to be more specific with an example:

If I have three sessions configured in WinSCP:

When connecting to I have configured that WinSCP has yellow backround and black text when showing the files in the directory on the server.
When connecting to I have configured that WinSCP has red backround and black text when showing the files in the directory on the server.
When connecting to I have configured that WinSCP has green backround and black text when showing the files in the directory on the server.

In the Preferences/Integartion/Applications I have configured "External applications" "PuTTY/Terminal client path:" has c:\Programs\Kitty\Kitty.exe" -cmd "cd /myhome/files" and the same command is executed for all sessions that I have configured. I would like to have different commands for every configured session.

Like this: - WinSCP - yellow backround when checking files in directory and black text for filenames, when choosing Ctrl+P for the server, open KiTTY with yellow backround/black text and execute -cmd "cd /myhome/files" - WinSCP - red backround when checking files in directory and black text for filenames, when choosing Ctrl+P for the server, open KiTTY with red backround/black text and execute -cmd "cd /myhome/binarys" - WinSCP - green backround when checking files in directory and black text for filenames, when choosing Ctrl+P for the server, open KiTTY with green backround/black text and execute -cmd "cd /myhome/"

Hope this gives you a picture of what I would like to have :)

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putty background color for different servers

I think this is very convenient when you are working with multiple servers.
Currently I am changing each session manually which takes time...
I hope this option will be available soon.

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Any update on this request? I would love to see this feature as well - for exactly the same reason (working with multiple servers).
Additionally - it would be nice to be able to configure putty parameters like text-size as well - so as to be able to customize the look-and-feel of putty for different sites.

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