RemotePath Class

Performs operations on string instances that contain file or directory path.



Namespace: WinSCP

public sealed class RemotePath
Public NotInheritable Class RemotePath


Name Description
AddDirectorySeparator Adds trailing directory
Combine Combines strings into a remote path.
CombinePaths Combines strings into a remote path.
EscapeFileMask Converts special characters in file path to make it an unambiguous file mask/wildcard.
EscapeOperationMask Converts special characters in file path to make it an unambiguous operation mask.
GetDirectoryName Returns the directory information for the specified path string.
GetFileName Returns the file name and extension of the specified path string.
TranslateLocalPathToRemote Generates a remote path equivalent of a local path, given root paths.
TranslateRemotePathToLocal Generates a local path equivalent of a remote path, given root paths.



Use the class as a static one (all methods are static). The class is not declared as static, only to allow its use over COM interop.

Last modified: by martin