Synchronize with Another Remote Server
This extension allows you to synchronize a directory on a server with a directory on another server.
This is an official WinSCP extension and is distributed in WinSCP installer.
# @name &Synchronize with Another Remote Server... # @command powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%EXTENSION_PATH%" ^ # -sessionUrl1 "!E" -remotePath1 "!/" ^ # -sessionUrl2 "%SessionUrl2%" %PasswordPrompt% -remotePath2 "%RemotePath2%" ^ # %Delete% %Preview% %ContinueOnError% -pause -sessionLogPath ^ # "%SessionLogPath%" # @description Synchronizes a directory on another server (or another directory on this ^ # server) against a directory on this server # @version 2 # @homepage # @require WinSCP 5.18 # @require PowerShell 3.0 # @option - -run group "Synchronize directory from &this server:" # @option RemotePath1 -run textbox "&Directory:" "!/" # @option - -run group "... to &another server:" # @option SessionUrl2 -run textbox "&Session:" "!S" # @option PasswordPrompt -run checkbox "&Prompt for session password" ^ # -passwordPrompt -passwordPrompt # @option RemotePath2 -run textbox "Di&rectory:" "!/" # @option - -config -run group "Options" # @option Delete -config -run checkbox "&Delete files" "" -delete # @option Preview -config -run checkbox "&Preview changes" -preview -preview # @option ContinueOnError -config -run checkbox "Continue on &error" "" -continueOnError # @option - -config group "Logging" # @option SessionLogPath -config sessionlogfile # @optionspage param ( # Use Generate Session URL function to obtain a value # for -sessionUrl1 and -sessionUrl2 parameters. $sessionUrl1 = "sftp://user:mypassword;", [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $remotePath1, $sessionUrl2 = "sftp://user:mypassword;", [Switch] $passwordPrompt, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $remotePath2, [Switch] $delete, [Switch] $preview, [Switch] $continueOnError, [Switch] $pause, $sessionLogPath = $Null ) Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0 function SetConsoleTitle ($status) { $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $status } function HandleException ($e) { if ($continueOnError) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $_.Exception.Message } else { throw $e } } function CompareDirectories ($remotePath1, $remotePath2) { Write-Host -NoNewline "Comparing $remotePath1 with $remotePath2..." try { $enumerationOptions = [WinSCP.EnumerationOptions]::MatchDirectories $files1 = $session1.EnumerateRemoteFiles($remotePath1, $Null, $enumerationOptions) $files2 = $session2.EnumerateRemoteFiles($remotePath2, $Null, $enumerationOptions) $first = $True $directories = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $existing2 = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ($file1 in $files1) { $file2 = $files2 | Where-Object Name -EQ $file1.Name $modified = $False if ($file2 -eq $Null) { $modified = $True } else { $existing2.Add($file2.Name) | Out-Null if ($file1.IsDirectory -and $file2.IsDirectory) { $file1 | Add-Member -NotePropertyName _Other -NotePropertyValue $file2 $directories.Add($file1) | Out-Null } else { if ($file1.LastWriteTime -gt $file2.LastWriteTime) { $modified = $True } } } if ($modified) { if ($first) { Write-Host $first = $False } if ($file2 -eq $Null) { Write-Host "$($file1.FullName) is new" } else { Write-Host "$($file1.FullName) is modified comparing to $($file2.FullName)" } $file1 | Add-Member -NotePropertyName _Target -NotePropertyValue $remotePath2 $changes.Add($file1) | Out-Null } } if ($delete) { foreach ($file2 in $files2) { if (-not $existing2.Contains($file2.Name)) { if ($first) { Write-Host $first = $False } Write-Host "$($file2.FullName) is orphan" $file2 | Add-Member -NotePropertyName _Target -NotePropertyValue $Null $changes.Add($file2) | Out-Null } } } if ($first) { Write-Host } foreach ($directory1 in $directories) { $directory2 = $directory1._Other if ($directory1.IsDirectory -and $directory2.IsDirectory) { CompareDirectories $directory1.FullName $directory2.FullName } } } catch { Write-Host HandleException $_ } } try { # Load WinSCP .NET assembly $assemblyPath = if ($env:WINSCP_PATH) { $env:WINSCP_PATH } else { $PSScriptRoot } Add-Type -Path (Join-Path $assemblyPath "WinSCPnet.dll") # Setup session options $sessionOptions1 = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions $sessionOptions1.ParseUrl($sessionUrl1) $sessionOptions2 = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions $sessionOptions2.ParseUrl($sessionUrl2) if ((($sessionOptions2.Protocol -eq [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp) -or ($sessionOptions2.Protocol -eq [WinSCP.Protocol]::Scp)) -and (-not $sessionOptions2.SshHostKeyFingerprint)) { $sessionOptions2.SshHostKeyPolicy = [WinSCP.SshHostKeyPolicy]::AcceptNew } $session1 = New-Object WinSCP.Session $session2 = New-Object WinSCP.Session try { SetConsoleTitle "Connecting..." if ($sessionLogPath) { $session1.SessionLogPath = $sessionLogPath + ".1" $session2.SessionLogPath = $sessionLogPath + ".2" } Write-Host "Connecting to $sessionOptions1..." $session1.Open($sessionOptions1) Write-Host "Connecting to $sessionOptions2..." if ($passwordPrompt -and (-not $sessionOptions2.SecurePassword) -and (-not $sessionOptions2.SshPrivateKeyPath)) { $sessionOptions2.SecurePassword = Read-Host "Password" -AsSecureString } $session2.Open($sessionOptions2) Write-Host "Comparing..." SetConsoleTitle "Comparing..." $changes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() CompareDirectories $remotePath1 $remotePath2 if ($changes.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No changes found" } else { $continue = $True if ($preview) { Write-Host -NoNewline "Continue? y/N " $key = [System.Console]::ReadKey() Write-Host $continue = ($key.KeyChar -eq "y") if (!$continue) { $pause = $False } } if ($continue) { Write-Host "Synchronizing..." SetConsoleTitle "Synchronizing..." $tempName = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() $tempPath = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) $tempName New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempPath | Out-Null try { foreach ($change in $changes) { $fullName = $change.FullName if ($change._Target) { $remotePath1 = [WinSCP.RemotePath]::GetDirectoryName($fullName) $remotePath2 = $change._Target Write-Host -NoNewline "Synchronizing $fullName to $remotePath2..." $filemask = [WinSCP.RemotePath]::EscapeFileMask($change.Name) try { $session1.GetFilesToDirectory( $remotePath1, $tempPath, $filemask).Check() $session2.PutFilesToDirectory( $tempPath, $remotePath2, $filemask).Check() Write-Host " Done." } catch { Write-Host HandleException $_ } Remove-Item -Recurse -Force (Join-Path $tempPath $change.Name) } else { Write-Host -NoNewline "Removing orphan $fullName..." try { $path = [WinSCP.RemotePath]::EscapeFileMask($fullName) $session2.RemoveFiles($path).Check() Write-Host " Done." } catch { Write-Host HandleException $_ } } } } finally { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $tempPath } } } } finally { # Disconnect, clean up $session1.Dispose() $session2.Dispose() } SetConsoleTitle "Done" $result = 0 } catch { $continueOnError = $True HandleException $_ SetConsoleTitle "Error" $result = 1 } # Pause if -pause switch was used if ($pause) { Write-Host "Press any key to exit..." [System.Console]::ReadKey() | Out-Null } exit $result
This Server
In the Directory box, specify the path to the directory on the current server to synchronize to the other server. The box by default contains the path to the current working directory.
Another Server
In the Session box, specify a session URL to use to connect to the other server. The box by default contains a session URL of the current server. Keep the value, if you want to synchronize two directories on the current server. You can use Generate session URL function to obtain the value.
To avoid typing your password in plain in the session URL, prefer using Pageant, or check the Prompt for session password box to have the extension prompt you for the password.
In the Directory box, specify the path to the directory on the other server to synchronize to.
Check the Delete files to delete orphan files in the destination server and directory.
When the Preview changes is checked, a confirmation is required after changes are discovered, before actual synchronization starts.
Check the Continue on error not to interrupt the synchronization, when an error occurs. Typically you want to enable the option to skip files opened for writing and similar errors.
In the Session log file, you can specify a path to a session log file. The option is available on the Preferences dialog only.
In the Keyboard shortcut, you can specify a keyboard shortcut for the extension. The option is available on the Preferences dialog only.